the crucifixion of my identity
the crucifixion of my identity
video performance
01:54:00 minutes
The work the crucifixion of my identity is a video performance with installation addressing issues around the complexity of our identity; the search and loss of it and the different sacrifices of identity in different periods throughout people’s life.
In the work the artist explores her own experience around building and finding her identity. This has been marked by the fact that throughout her life she have had to move to different countries. Every time she moved she let something of her identity behind. Being confronted with new places, new people and new experiences which forced her to adapt, change and rebuild her identity.
Throughout her life the artist has been saving and collecting objects that are meaningful and sentimental to her. All objects have been a part of a certain period of her life. These objects aren´t just objects. They contain a memory, a story and they are a crucial part of the artist; they identify her.
Through the use of these meaningful and carefully selected objects that she has been holding on to all her life she revisits her past identities, her past self and crucify them on a cross. Leaving behind what she once was and letting the spectator only to see part of the objects, part of her past. Leaving in evidence all the sacrifices she has made to become the person she is today. The identity she has today.
In this work the artist uses her own experience as a representation of issues that people go through in live. As an artist she is interested in exploring human emotion and issues on a very personal level.