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retold stories

retold stories is made of 8 little houses, known as animitas in Latin-America. Every animita explores the stories that are left behind by people and situations, and how these transform over time.

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The animitas are shrines in shape of little houses made for the tragically diseased. The popular believe is that after the tragic death the soul rumbles around, so to give it a place to be without disturbing the living people animitas are made. These souls then become an intersection between people and God, asking for favors through them.

All animitas made by the artist have been based on significant events throughout her live, such as places she has lived, amongst them, Chile (which is part of her heritage) people that have passed away, and moments that have made an everlasting impact in her person. The point is not the storie itself, but what remains and how it is retold. How, over time the stories told morph and become some sort of legend, not based on facts, but on memories and perception.

retold stories was exhibited at Oslo projektrom from 24.10 - 10.11.2019. The exhibition with the same name (retold stories) showed the 8 animitas together with a selection of works of the series rewritten letters.

The artist chose to marry these shrines with the sown letters that by beeing ripped and resown only show fragments of the stories told. Thus, become retold stories.

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