rewritten letters (letters to...)

rewritten letters
letters to Leif Lund
rewritten letters
letters to...
rewritten letters is an ongoing series. Each piece consists of old letters that were written to one person. Every letter has been read, ripped into pieces and consequently sown back together by the artist. By ripping and sewing the letters back together the content is not only rearranged but rewritten. What remains are pieces that seem incoherent, fragments of stories. Just as what happens to our lives.
We only get a glimpse of people through our lives. We only scratch the surface. Underneath lie many stories, memories and things lived that get lost over time. The writers of these letters aren´t here to tell us the stories. What remains of them is only these bits and pieces that we manage to read.
Therefore, the artist asks herself what will remain of us after we die? How do we live on? Is it in other people? Or is it through what we leave behind? Can she make someone live on through her art?
The true content of the letters resides only in her mind. By ripping and sowing she rewrites the stories with every stich she makes. Even though the words are there, they don´t make sense anymore. Every letter turns into a new letter, into a map, into a three-dimensional object. An endless landscape of words. The original content will for ever remain hidden to the eye, but if you listen carefully you might hear its stories.